Golden Gate Trees provides landscaping and design services that focus on conservation and restoration through California native and drought tolerant plants, rainwater capture features, drip irrigation systems, permeable hardscaping, and more.

We can transform your outdoor space into a thriving ecosystem that not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also supports local biodiversity, conserves water, and improves carbon sequestration.

Key features of our process include:

  1. Native plant selection: We will carefully select a native plant palette that matches your site and soil conditions. These plants require minimal water and maintenance once established, reducing the need for irrigation and promoting ecological resilience. With the right plant selection, native gardens can be full of blooms and colors all year.

  2. Waterwise design: Our designs prioritize water efficiency through drip irrigation, rainwater capture systems, proper mulching, and permeable hardscaping. By minimizing water usage, we aim to create a landscape that is both environmentally sustainable and cost-effective to maintain.

  3. Wildlife habitat creation: Our landscapes provide habitat and food sources for local wildlife, including birds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects and pollinators. This increases biodiversity and promotes healthy urban ecosystems to enrich the natural environment.

  4. Educational opportunities: We believe in engaging homeowners and communities in the importance of native and drought tolerant landscaping. As part of our work, we offer educational resources and workshops to teach a wide variety of gardening skills and techniques. We encourage edible gardening whenever possible and offer our expertise to help your garden succeed.

Investing in California’s native ecology

We are committed to combatting climate change. When we remove lawns that waste water and restore that space with native plants that have evolved to thrive in California, we give nature and local ecosystems a chance to flourish. These restorations however big or small make a difference in our ability to be drought resilient.

Consider converting your lawn into a drought tolerant and native landscape or replacing high-water use plants with a low-water native garden. Drought tolerant and native plants use up to 80 percent less water. These transformations benefit the well being of people, flora, and fauna alike.

Jake Palumbo

Principal & Owner

Golden Gate Trees is operated by Jake Palumbo, a landscape contractor and designer with a passion for conservation and ecological restoration. The projects he undertakes are built to last and bring out the unique creativity in each client. Every project is a collaborative process and a chance to promote healthy urban ecosystems.